Friday 7 May 2010

General Erec- I mean, Election.

According to the BBC website 27,933,301 people have voted, giving a 65% turnout.

That means there are 42,974,309 who could vote (or 15,041,008 who did not vote) out of the roughly 61,000,000 people who live in the UK.

So 30% of the population of the UK have no say in the government that they live under, and 35% of those that do have a say choose to say nothing.

27,933,301 out of 61,000,000 is just under 46% which means that less than half of the occupants of this country actually express an opinion on WHO runs it, and therefore the majority of people 'on the street' have no right complain about HOW it is run.

QQ more, noobs.

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