Wednesday 26 May 2010


i was at a wedding over the weekend

ive known the couple about as long as they've known each other though obviously i dont know them as well as they know each other

their marriage was more symbolic of something that they both already knew: that they will spend the rest of their lives together

cheryl cole came up in the news again today because she's filing for divorce after her husband sent indecent pictures of himself to several women etc

two people can find each other and are meant to be together forever

but getting married does not mean youve found that person

we all like to believe and hope that marriage is eternal but the truth is that we sometimes outgrow people

a marriage doesnt have to end because of one persons sexual urges

but if there is no more love in a relationship it should be allowed to die even if it is bound in holy matrimony

obviously there is more to the cole break up than we are being told in the press but it frustrates me that so many people have this sacred opinion of marriage in todays modern society

infidelity is a result of a failed relationship, not the cause of one

Tuesday 18 May 2010

heart warming

due to a number of factors ive been pretty much low profile guy at work recently

a few people have said to me that they hadnt seen me around as much and they were wondering where i had been

the nice thing about it is the fact that they did not follow that comment with a list of issues they need me to fix for them

i am a little surprised that people seem to actually care enough to note my lack of presence let alone comment on it

if i wasnt already dead inside this may actually give me renewed hope for the human race

too little too late i suppose

Monday 17 May 2010

google privacy

i dont know if you've been following the google maps privacy issues but heres a link to the bbc news site about the latest revelation:

in short, it seems google has been accidentally gathering packet samples from open wi-fi networks as they drove around taking pictures for street view and that several people are now up in arms about the potential security and privacy issues

firstly if you have an open wi-fi network i consider you to be a complete moron

secondly now that google have been kind enough to illustrate the potential flaws in having open networks people should be acting to close them not start complaining to google

i know that i would rather it was google who was scanning my network than some unscrupulous people

like bt

Friday 7 May 2010

General Erec- I mean, Election.

According to the BBC website 27,933,301 people have voted, giving a 65% turnout.

That means there are 42,974,309 who could vote (or 15,041,008 who did not vote) out of the roughly 61,000,000 people who live in the UK.

So 30% of the population of the UK have no say in the government that they live under, and 35% of those that do have a say choose to say nothing.

27,933,301 out of 61,000,000 is just under 46% which means that less than half of the occupants of this country actually express an opinion on WHO runs it, and therefore the majority of people 'on the street' have no right complain about HOW it is run.

QQ more, noobs.