Wednesday 28 April 2010

old habits

ive been thinking about some of my past relationships

both in terms of partners and friends that i have had

i find it easy to meet people but difficult to form a lasting bond

the few times ive been comfortable enough with someone to open up about my inner demons they are usually put off by what i reveal

im still looking for that someone who i can trust and will still stand by me no matter what

in the meantime i shall continue to operate the way i have done

losing friends and alienating people

im sure theres a movie about that

Monday 19 April 2010


im a procrastinator

i will put off making a decision for as long as i can but some of the big choices are inevitable

leaving france, going to uni, buying a car

annoyingly each time ive made a big decision something seems to change that makes me wonder if ive made the right one

its happening now

i recently made up my mind about something that im going to do but over the past few weeks things have been changing in my current lifestyle that i can only describe as improvements

enough to make me change my mind? probably not

enough to make me doubt though

Wednesday 7 April 2010


but not cocky

not neccessarily muscular or super fit

good sense of humour

willingness to dance?


no mention of looks

no mention of style sense

when you ask a man what he looks for in a woman the answers will often be physical because the question is interpreted as what attracts you to women upon first seeing them

the same question is interpreted by a women as what traits would make a man a suitable long term partner

i know what i find physically attractive

i have a rough idea of what women find physically unattractive and i try to avoid being those things

i used to be told that i looked older than i was

i had an air of maturity and experience beyond my years

ive reached a point where people now say i look exactly as i should for my age

which means i havent matured or gained experience since those previous comments

to echo a phrase coined by a friend i feel that my soul is frozen

but in the time and space way not the icy cold way that he suggests