Thursday 15 July 2010

wait listing

the live interview role play thing i went to last week didnt go as well as i hoped

i think i came across as hesitant, timid, and unwilling to adapt my approach

they said they'd let me know within a week

i still havent heard anything

i suppose that could mean its not a definite 'no'

we'll see

Thursday 8 July 2010

cream of the crop

i applied for part time work as a customer service advisor for major entertainments company

the application was rather detailed

i had a telephone interview the other day which lasted 40 minutes or so and was also very detailed

i passed that so now im going to a live skills assessment and selection process

for a part time position they sure are going to a lot of trouble

i suppose the danger of part time work is that any old buddy can apply and have no passion for the company and one or two people giving out the wrong message can often speak louder than the thousands who are performing well

Tuesday 29 June 2010


i am now working my notice period in preparation for returning to university

leaving a job in the past for me has often been a big deal

people like me and they like the work that i do so they are generally sad to lose me and my awesome talents

in this case that emotion is still present but is somewhat dulled by the fact that there are six other employees leaving at the same time as me

so im just wrapping things up and trying not to leave any nasty surprises for whoever may take my place

maybe they'll get someone with some actual talent rather than just suave charm and cunning tenacity

Thursday 17 June 2010

made up stories

the ability to do a thing and the ability to teach another how to do the same thing are two seperate skills

many of the things i do have no logical process to their execution

i just do them and they work i cant tell you how what or why you just have to accept it

obviously in situations like this its difficult to apply culpability because you dont know what i did or did not do

so i make things up

i always have done and the few people that have realised it have told me that im pretty good at it because i say things that sound possible and therefore are accepted at face value

the truth is only what a person wants to hear

Thursday 10 June 2010

who is he

and why should i care

so this name keeps coming up in conversation recently

and the man himself has been coming to my place of work on more than once occasion

ive never seen some people work so hard

nor have i ever seen quite as much ass kissing

and i used to work for.. well, im not going to name names.. but there was a lot of ass kissing there

due to the complexity of the management structure here there are a number of people who can basically tell me what to do from day to day

for this reason i tell people that my boss is a hydra which usually gets a few laughs

im noticing now that each of the heads of my hydra have more than one face

and it irks me

Wednesday 9 June 2010


ive always been quite proud of my patience

my ability to not let things bother me and just wait for the right time has always been a strength of mine

a friend of mine said to me that he thought i had a handful of people in this world that i would do anything for and that i spent my life just waiting for them to need me to do something for them

im worried that he might have been right

Monday 7 June 2010


in an attempt to disrupt the crippling stagnation of my life i am trying to recreate a period of my life that nostalgia tells me was awesome

talk about setting yourself up for a fall

it got me to thinking about how i seem to have a habit of putting myself in situations where i expect or intend to fail even though i appear to be trying my best

its all about false positives i guess which is a mathematical theory that i am actually quite fond of

or maybe its the paradox part that i like

but i dye grass

my point was that i wonder if i should do something radical like buy a one-way ticket to japan and see what happens

or pack a bag grab my passport withdraw all my money and try to fall off the grid for a few months

i wish there was a strange island somewhere that would pull me in and teach me what really matters in life

even it was populated by polar bears and smoke monsters